TL;DR, Hypersign proudly announces the launch of the Prajna Testnet, a major leap in Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technology, building upon its predecessor, the Jagrat testnet. Prajna emphasizes correctness, interoperability, and privacy, implementing W3C specifications, introducing privacy enhancements like zero-knowledge proofs, and supporting a range of cryptographic keys and wallets. The network enhances interoperability through Interchain Blockchain Communication (IBC) and ensures secure, community-driven governance for smart contract deployment. Notably, it introduces fixed SSI transaction fees for predictability and cost-efficiency. Aimed at developers and SSI enthusiasts, Prajna offers robust tools like the Hypersign SSI SDK and Encrypted Data Vault, targeting diverse applications across enterprise, government, education, and Web3 sectors. This launch sets the stage for Hypersign's future advancements in identity management and integration across various digital platforms.
In a significant stride towards advancing digital identity, Hypersign is proud to announce the release of Hypersign Identity Testnet Version 2.0, named Prajna, on January 19, 2024. This release marks a substantial enhancement over the preceding Jagrat testnet, emphasizing correctness, interoperability, and privacy improvements. The choice of "Prajna" for the testnet, signifying the "state of awakening" in Vedanta philosophy, reflects our journey through various stages of consciousness, paralleling the evolution of the Hypersign Identity Network.
The Journey from Jagrat to Prajna
Reflecting on Jagrat Testnet
The Jagrat testnet was our initial foray into exploring network behavior, governance processes, and functional capabilities. With the support of our validators, investors, and community, we undertook extensive testing phases, including functional, stress, and security testing. Challenges such as network halts were encountered and overcome, laying the groundwork for the next development phase.
Prajna Testnet: Enhancements and Innovations
1. Correctness
In our commitment to correctness, we meticulously reviewed and implemented W3C specifications related to self-sovereign identity, such as the decentralized identity core and the verifiable credential specifications. This approach ensures the compatibility of Hypersign-based DIDs with other DID projects.
2. Privacy
Privacy remains our utmost priority. We've implemented selective disclosure and zero-knowledge proofs in our verifiable credentials, enhancing privacy in various use cases. The introduction of BabyJubJubKey support and our custom crypto suite, BabyJubJubSignature2021 Suite, are pivotal in this endeavor.
3. Cryptographic Keys and Wallets
Our network now supports an array of cryptographic keys and signature algorithms, including Ed25519VerificationKey2020, EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019, and the new BabyJubJubKey2021, along with wallet integrations like Metamask and Keplr.

4. Interoperability and Smart Contract Deployment
Ensuring seamless interaction within the SSI infrastructure, we have integrated Interchain Blockchain Communication (IBC) for cross-blockchain DID and VC verification. This step enhances the flexibility and wider adoption of SSI.
Developers interested in creating ID DApps will have the opportunity to engage with native SSI modules, utilizing DID, VC, and similar tools to develop various ID products. However, we intend to avoid having the Hypersign ID network inundated with arbitrary contracts, as is common with other Layer 1 chains. While our primary vision encourages developers to create ID products on Hypersign, we place the decision-making power in the hands of our community. To facilitate this, we have implemented a governance-based approach for contract deployment. Developers wishing to deploy a contract must first undergo a review process by a pre-approved list of wallet addresses, initially comprising core developers. This list can be modified through changes in governance parameters. Only after receiving approval can a developer deploy their contract. This approach not only secures the network but also aids in reducing congestion and minimizing costs.
5. Governance and Fixed SSI Fee Structure
When it comes to governance and cost efficiency, customers need to assess the cost of a product before incorporating it into their existing systems. A notable challenge with web3 products is the fluctuation in transaction costs, which are often linked to the market value of the underlying token and the gas units needed for transaction execution. This volatility in transaction fees can be burdensome for businesses and individuals dependent on blockchain technology. For example, transaction costs can soar during elevated token prices, potentially making it unaffordable for users.
Therefore, it's vital to implement regulations for SSI-based transactions that guarantee fair and consistent fees. A consensus-based fee mechanism for each SSI transaction, establishing a fixed fee, can address this issue. By doing so, SSI transactions can have a distinct approach to transaction fee deduction. To this end, we have introduced seven fixed-fee governance parameters:
- Register_did_fee fixed-fee parameter
- Update_did_fee fixed-fee parameter
- Deactivate_did_fee fixed-fee parameter
- Register_credential_schema_fee fixed-fee parameter
- Update_credential_schema_fee fixed-fee parameter
- Register_credential_status_fee fixed-fee parameter
- Update_credential_status_fee fixed-fee parameter
For example, imagine we initially set the price for a Create DID transaction in the Genesis block at 10,000 uHiD. If market conditions later warrant a reduction in affordability, we could lower the price to 8,000 uhid through governance proposals. This strategy ensures that SSI transaction costs remain fair and accessible for all users.
Unique Features and Developer Tools
Unique Wallet Association with DID for Reputation-Based Use Cases
Ensuring a one-to-one relationship between a blockchain ID and a single DID Document is crucial for reputation-based applications. This exclusivity is necessary to prevent the misuse of a single wallet for inflating the reputation scores of multiple DIDs, thus maintaining the integrity and reliability of the reputation system.
Support for BabyJubJub Key in Zero-Knowledge Infrastructure
We have incorporated the BabyJubJub (BJJ) Key into our zero-knowledge infrastructure, marking a significant advancement in privacy technology. The introduction of the BJJ Key paves the way for cutting-edge privacy features such as Selective Disclosure and Zero-Knowledge Proof, enhancing the security and confidentiality of our platform.
Integration of Metamask and Keplr Wallets
To facilitate a broader and more flexible use of DIDs and Verifiable Credentials (VCs), we have extended support to popular wallets like Metamask and Keplr. This integration is particularly beneficial for developers within the Ethereum and Cosmos ecosystems, allowing for the easy integration of DIDs and VCs into existing Decentralized Applications (DApps) without compromising user experience. This strategic move ensures seamless interoperability and user-friendly interactions across different blockchain platforms.
Software and Tools: For Developers and Builders
In addition to the Hypersign ID blockchain node, we are rolling out a suite of tools and software designed to enable developers to integrate self-sovereign identity into their current or new products effortlessly.
Hypersign SSI SDK (Javascript) v1.0.0
This JavaScript-based SDK aligns with W3C standards and is built on the Hypersign ID network to meet diverse SSI requirements. It facilitates the management of DID, schema, verifiable credentials, and presentations, supporting a range of cryptographic suites. Additionally, the SDK is compatible with wallets such as Metamask and Keplr for controlling DIDs and associated documents.
Hypersign SSI API
We offer an SSI API service based on a multi-tenant architecture designed to handle multiple user needs efficiently within a single framework.
Prajna Explorer -
Hypersign ID Web wallet (Prajna-Testnet) -
Prajna Explorer -
Hypersign ID Web wallet (Prajna-Testnet) -

Hypersign Encrypted Data Vault (EDV)
EDVs are a groundbreaking development in data storage security, adding an extra layer of defense in the digital realm. These vaults are fortified repositories that store sensitive data in encrypted form, revolutionizing data protection methods. The sophisticated encryption in EDVs ensures that data remains secure and unreadable without the proper decryption key, even in case of unauthorized access. This strong encryption not only defends against security threats but also maintains the privacy and integrity of information, highlighting the critical role of EDVs in contemporary cybersecurity.
Hypersign SSI CLI
A user-friendly command-line tool that quickly sets up the Hypersign SSI infrastructure on various platforms, allowing users to develop their ID products in minutes from their computer. Hypersign SSI CLI.
studio-cli git:(master) ✗ ./bin/run.js --help
Hypersign Issue Node Infrastructure CLI
studio-cli/0.0.0 darwin-arm64 node-v16.20.1
$ studio-cli [COMMAND]
clean Stop and Delete Hypersign issuer node infrastructure
help Display help for studio-cli
setup Setup configurations for Hypersign issuer node infrastructure
start Start Hypersign issuer node infrastructure
stop Stop Hypersign issuer node infrastructure
Hypersign SSI Playground
The SSI Playground is an interactive web-based platform designed for learning and understanding SSI. Users can effortlessly issue and verify verifiable credentials directly from this dashboard.

Prajna Use Cases
Prajna testnet supports a variety of use cases, including Privacy-Based ID Verification, Web3 Reputation, On-chain KYC, and Regulated Token Launchpads. Sharing a few c ase studies:
- Privacy-Based ID Verification: Learn More
- Identity and Document Attestation: Learn More
- On-chain KYC: Learn More
- Portable Gaming ID: Learn More
What's Next?
Hypersign Node
Our immediate goal is to focus on our network's benchmarking and performance optimization before its production launch. This includes a comprehensive optimization and auditing of all our code. In the next version, our aim is to significantly enhance the network's speed under the motto "Make it fast."
We plan to upgrade our verifiable credentials by incorporating support for the OIDCVC4 specification for credential issuance and the OIDCVP4 specifications for verifiable presentations. This upgrade is intended to improve interoperability across different platforms.
Improvements to our ID wallet have been limited thus far, but we intend to address this in the upcoming quarters, enhancing its functionality and user experience.
A key area of focus in our research is Key Management. We currently utilize third-party centralized key management systems, which we plan to transition to a decentralized approach. Additionally, we will explore the potential of DWN nodes in the future.
Product & PoC
Regarding new product development, we intend to first deploy our existing solutions, such as Axess, Fyre, Cavach, and Digital Product Passport, on Hypersign. Subsequent endeavors will include working on a Web3 reputation engine and Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) on-chain KYC systems to enhance the network's value. We also aim to launch the Encrypted Data Vault, which is currently in beta.
A comprehensive roadmap for 2024 is in the works and will be shared shortly.
Providing Self-Sovereign Identity Across Various Sectors
The demand for secure and efficient identity solutions is at its peak in this digital era. As we navigate through the complexities of a digitally interconnected world, the significance of robust Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technology is undeniable. Our innovative SSI solutions are tailored to meet the distinct needs of four primary sectors: Enterprise, Government, Education, and Web3.
1. Web3: Empowering the Decentralized Ecosystem
As the Web3 ecosystem develops, there's a growing need for innovative identity solutions in decentralized applications (DApps) and blockchain platforms. Our SSI technology enables the creation of user-centric digital identities, ensuring privacy and security in the decentralized digital realm. This allows users to control their identities and data across various platforms and services.
A primary focus within the Hypersign network is Web3 Gaming, where secure and personalized gamer profiles and identities are crucial. We enhance the gaming experience by allowing players to control their virtual identities securely, supporting in-game achievements, and ensuring secure transactions and data portability.
During the Jagrat testnet, we collaborated on multiple Web3 projects, aiding in the evolution of our DID infrastructure. Some key areas include:
- zK-KYC: StreamSwap, EclipseFi
- GamingID:
- Defi Reputation: ReputeX
- On-Chain Social reputation:
- Crowdsourced Review & Rating: C2E
- On-Chain Payment Credentials: Zoksh
2. Enterprise: Enhancing Security and Productivity
In the business world, challenges like data breaches and identity fraud can significantly impact both security and productivity. Our SSI technology offers a decentralized and secure identity framework for enterprises. It empowers employees to control and verify their digital identities, thereby boosting security, streamlining access management, and fostering efficient collaboration.
We leverage our advanced products, such as Cavach for ID verification and Digital Product Passport for Real-World Asset (RWA) digitalization, to provide businesses with solutions that enhance credibility, transparency, and compliance. Our current collaborations include BookMyShow and AtomX, where we provide privacy-centric ID verification for large-scale events.
3. Government: Revolutionizing Citizen Services
Governments globally are turning towards digital services to enhance efficiency and accessibility. Our SSI solutions enable citizens to manage their personal information, thus promoting privacy and improving the delivery of government services. Our technology supports secure online voting systems and efficient identity verification for public services, ensuring smooth and trustworthy interactions between governments and citizens.
We are engaged in projects with various government agencies, including the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, The Science & Technology Parks of India, the Indian State Government of Haryana, and The Data Security Council of India. We are planning a widespread rollout of privacy-based ID verification for citizens in applications like mass transit and document attestation.
4. Education: Transforming the Academic Experience
In the education sector, handling and verifying student credentials can be complex. Our SSI technology simplifies this by providing students with portable and secure digital identities and streamlining enrollment and credential verification processes. This allows educational institutions to concentrate on delivering quality education while we handle the identity management aspect.
Our ongoing collaborations include institutions like MIT University in Pune, Maharashtra, where we are transitioning all university processes, including IDs, attendance, and document management, to blockchain technology. These universities will also become issuer nodes within the Hypersign network.
For 2024, our focus will be primarily on the RWA and Gaming sectors within Web3, where we aim to develop solutions that support these booming areas.
Conclusion: Embracing a Future of Empowered Digital Identity
In summary, our advancements in Self-Sovereign Identity technology are set to transform the landscape of identity management across various sectors, including businesses, governments, education, and the Web3 ecosystem. Our focus on placing individuals at the helm of their digital identities paves the way for a future where security, privacy, and efficiency seamlessly integrate. We invite you to be a part of this journey, moving towards a more interconnected, secure world founded on self-sovereign identity principles.
About Hypersign
Hypersign is an innovative, permissionless blockchain network that manages digital identity and access rights. Rooted in the principles of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), Hypersign empowers individuals to take control of their data and access on the internet. It provides a scalable, interoperable, and secure verifiable data registry (VDR) that enables various use cases based on SSI. Built using the Cosmos-SDK, the Hypersign Identity Network is recognized by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), promoting a seamless and secure identity management experience on the Internet.
Get in touch with us today to understand the nuances of the decentralized identifier and their real-world application at